Monthly Archives: September 2013

Compost on my terrace!

Since few weeks, I was tired to regularly take an almost empty dustin bin out from my flat just because it was smelling bad. So, a bit urged by a eco-friendly feeling, I decided to make compost myself. There still were a problem … I’m living in a flat!

A friend suggested me too to do it in a bucket, with a lid, on my terrace. We built it together. We would like it to be practical but a bit pleasing too. Here is the furnitures list:

  • 15 liters bucket
  • A flat bowl wider than the bucket
  • Some soil
  • Flower or grass seeds
Photo du matériel initial.
Initial materials.

In a first time, drill the bottom of the bucket with some small holes. It’ll let compost liquids drain away from the container. Then put the soil in the flat bowl.

Holes at the bottom.

Place the bucket on the soil in the plate and sow your seeds around. It’ll bring a bit of decoration. Plus, the flowers will eat what your compost drain in the soil.

Ready to use!

You can put a bit of soil on bucket’s bottom if you want, it’ll ease future clean up. Choose a place under cover of strong rains, put your compost bucket here and close the lid. After a few weeks, the flowers (grass) grow(s) and your compost heap is nice.

Few weeks later.

For what it worth, I found a compromise between my dustbin problem and my ecological conscience 😉

Houston, we’ve had a problem here.

Trying to understand a strange UI freezing bug on our platform, I found a funny trace in Android views mechanism.

private void fallback(boolean fallback) {
    if (fallback) {
        // we'll try again if it was context lost
        Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Mountain View, we've had a problem here. " 
                     + "Switching back to software rendering.");